Title: IN SEARCH OF DESTINY: Returning To Mother
Author: Sonia Lye-Fook
Size: 5.833" x 8.264"
Pages: 134
ISBN: 9781903289211
Price: £8.99
Publisher: BIS Publishing Services
Due Publish date: June 15th 2014
IN SEARCH OF DESTINY:Returning To Mother' is an
autobiography and my first book. I was born in the Caribbean Island
of Jamaica, grew up in England and now repatriated and living in
Ghana, West Africa. The book charts my experiences in these
different countries and the dream I had about returning to the land
of my ancestors. Africa was firmly planted in my soul, I guess from
a young age; I wouldn't believe the lies, negative images or ideas
portrayed about my people. I wanted to experience Africa for myself,
to find my own truth. I shared a dream with my husband of
returning to Africa, we chose Ghana, to live and be part of Africa's
rise on the world stage, but what did that mean? Was it just a
romantic notion? It is one thing to have a dream it is another thing
to live that dream. Would I have the courage to leave behind my
children, grandchildren, family and friends and start a new life in
an unknown land? Would my dream be enough to sustain me or would the
challenge defeat me?
I hope this book will give anyone who
has a similar dream or who wishes to either visit or relocate from
the Diaspora to live anywhere in Africa a glimpse of the
possibilities that are available in terms of life changing
experiences. It has not been an easy journey, the pitfalls are many,
but sometimes it is the challenges we face along life's journey that
makes us grow, connects us with The Divine Creator and puts us in
touch with our higher self. As African people I believe we have to
tell our own story and not let others tell it for us. I have been
blessed to live the dream and this book is my humble attempt to
record my history for my children, grandchildren and those that are
yet to come of what it means to return home to Africa.